January 24, 2011

SBY & salary

A political expert on Saturday questioned President Susilo Bambang Yudoyhono's statement on the presidential salary about it not increasing for almost seven years.

“This attitude is not appropriate from a leader because it serves as an example to the people,” Ikrar Nusa Bakti, an analyst at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), said in Jakarta as quoted by tribunnews.com news portal.

Ikrar asked why, if Yudhoyono knew that the presidential salary would not increase, he ran for the position twice.

“He should thank God that his life is better than other people in this country,” Ikrar said.On Friday, Yudhoyono made a statement that his salary had not been raised for about seven years.

“This is the sixth or seventh year that my salary has not been raised,” Yudhoyono said Friday in front of the Indonesian Military and police leaders, who laughed in response.

The President’s salary remains unchanged since Yudhoyono first entered office in his first term in 2004, which according to a press release from the Presidential Palace in 2006, was Rp 62.5 million a month or Rp 750 million (US$79,000) a year. Apart from this salary, the presidential household also receives Rp 2 billion a month.

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